Posts tagged: International Business


Reflecting on the Success of APE 2024: A Photonics Experience in Singapore

This past March, I had the pleasure of attending the Asia Photonics Expo (APE) 2024 at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. It was an incredible experience that brought together a vibrant community of industry professionals, companies, and enthusiasts. APE aims to become the leading photonics platform in the ASEAN region, and it truly showcased the latest technologies for emerging markets in Asia and beyond. The event fostered meaningful communication and collaboration within the entire photonics supply chain, making it a must-attend for anyone in the industry.

Best Practice on Cultural Connections: How to Navigate Business between Europe and Japan (2)

Navigating business between Europe and Japan involves understanding intricate cultural nuances and communication styles. How can you effectively bridge these gaps? In this episode, we explore this with our expert guest from a renowned Japanese company. What are the best practices for navigating cultural connections? Discover the unique Japanese concept of "nemawashi," a meticulous process of laying the groundwork for decisions. Learn how this approach can foster successful international partnerships.

IVAM Marketing Award Asia: Celebrating Excellence in Medical Technology Marketing

Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise in the field of medical technology? Are you planning to exhibit at Medical manufacturing Asia in Singapore in September? Do you pride yourself on innovative marketing strategies that have propelled your business forward? If so, the IVAM Marketing Award Asia @MMA is an opportunity you won't want to miss.

Investieren Sie in eine neue Maschine mit dem Namen "Digitalmarketing für B2B"

Einer meiner Studenten hat auf der letzten Medica-Messe in 2022 untersucht, wie viele Unternehmen noch mit Printmaterial unterwegs sind und wie viele mit digitalen Angeboten aufwarten. Explodierende Papierpreise und digitale Lerneffekte aus der Corona-Krise nährten die Erwartung, dass das Papierangebot eher auf dem Rückzug ist. Tatsächlich dominiert es weiterhin. Dabei braucht der Mittelstand dringend ein Marketing-Update: weg vom Papier hin zum Einsatz von KI.

Medical Manufacturing Asia in Singapore: A Great Place to Start your ASEAN Business

The medical technology supply market continues to boom worldwide. A few weeks ago we were at Medical Manufacturing Asia in Singapore (MMA) and it was a great exhibition with many highlights. If the COMPAMED show in Düsseldorf is interesting for your company, you should also take a closer look at MMA.

Internationalization on its Way Back to Business

The pandemic has changed business life: Business trips and trade shows are being selected and planned much more carefully than we were used to before. The beneficiaries of this are the trade fair venues, which are always really worthwhile for exhibitors and visitors. The medical technology supply fair MD&M West is certainly one of them. I would like to share my impressions and experiences with you here.

How to run a sucessful trade show under pandemic circumstances

Are you currently planning appearances at trade fairs and events? Are you unsure whether everything will work out? Just get used to this feeling and work with it! You have laid the foundation: Because if you manage to organize a successful and safe trade fair appearance in the face of adversity without losing your nerve, nothing will upset you in the future.

Quantum technology is the nuclear bomb of the Internet-age

We are at the eve of major changes in society and economy: Quantum Technologies will have a leapfrog impact on almost all industries, healthcare, life-sciences, banking, logistics, communications, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, military, and public safety. This listing is far from being complete. The issue is not if but by when commercially meaningful applications, products and new services will become available.

Mit diesen 6 Tipps wird das virtuelle Meeting zum Erfolg!

Es ist fester Bestandteil der "neuen Normalität" geworden: Das virtuelle Meeting ist - dank Coronakrise - aus unseren Terminplänen nicht mehr wegzudenken. An manchen Tagen reiht sich Videokonferenz an Videokonferenz. Geht es Ihnen auch so? Damit die Meetings nicht zu nervenaufreibenden Zeitfressern werden, ist es sinnvoll, sie gut vorzubereiten und ein paar Dinge grundlegend zu organisieren.

Coronavirus - how Europe supports its economy

The impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the European economy is currently difficult to assess. What is certain, however, is that the longer the epidemic persists, the stronger the effects will be for each individual industrial company and service provider. At this point, IVAM would like to keep you up-to-date on current measures in the European countries, mainly in which our members are based.