
Doesn't Wetzlar just stand for optics? How does this fit in with microtechnology?

Surely at first you think the same as Dr. Dietrich when I contacted him about two years ago: What should IVAM members do at the W3+ Fair in Wetzlar? Wetzlar "only" stands for optics. I got rejected but I don`t give up easily: I invited him to the trade fair in Wetzlar and he got convinced by the mix of over 200 companies which operate in the sectors of optics, mechanics, electronics and photonics.

Microfluidic components and systems enable modern, mobile diagnosis and therapy devices

Microfluidics plays an increasingly important role in industry and in applications for everyday life. The medical technology and healthcare markets are particularly in focus. Mobile diagnostic and therapeutic devices are not possible without microfluidic components that process small amounts of liquids. At COMPAMED 2019, microfluidics is is again a special trend topic in our joint area as well as at the experts forum.

4 questions for Dr. Lutz Aschke, IVAM Chairman of the Executive Board

We would like to introduce our board members to you: For this reason, we did short interviews with them about key technologies, technology trends and the relevance of networks. Dr. Lutz Aschke, Managing Director of TRUMPF Photonic Components, has been a member of IVAM's executive board since 2007 and chairman of the board since 2015. He contributes his expertise in optics, photonics and laser technology to his work on the board.

Tagen in Top-Ambiente: Fünf tolle Tagungsorte im Großraum Dortmund

Keine Frage: Kaffee ist natürlich das allerwichtigste wenn es um erfolgreiche Tagungen und Networking-Veranstaltungen geht. Fast ebenso wichtig ist aber auch das Ambiente, das nachhaltig Eindruck hinterlassen muss, damit Teilnehmer sich willkommen fühlen. Ich verrate Ihnen gerne meine persönliche Top 5 im Ruhrgebiet!

4 questions for Dominique Bouwes, IVAM Deputy Chairwoman of the Executive Board

Get to know our executive board members better! We have interviewed them for you to ask about trends and innovations, key technologies and the relevance of international business networks. Dominique Bouwes is the newest member of the executive board. She was elected as new member and Deputy Chairwoman in April 2019. In particular, she brings her experience in the management of SMEs to the board. She is also active in the area of financial management of the association.

Wo ist die Zeit bloß hin? 15 Jahr-Jubiläum bei IVAM

Wann müssen Projektmittel abgerufen werden? Gibt es noch den Frühbucherrabatt bei der Konferenzgebühr? Brauchen wir im Juli schon Jahreskalender 2020? Wie viele Urlaubstage hat eigentlich eine studentische Hilfskraft? Gut, dass es jemanden gibt, der auf alle Fragen eine Antwort weiß…

Ten tips: This is how medical technology companies in China get off to a good start

The first step into a new market has to be carefully considered. The decision is often made to exhibit at a suitable trade fair abroad in order to get to know the new market and its customers better. It is really important not to start unprepared. IVAM accompanies small and medium-sized companies that develop products for the medical technology sector to China.

„Feierabendbier“ – How a beer after work can help to accelerate your business!

Too much work last week and no time to celebrate the International Beer Day? That doesn't matter! Just drink your beer together with your potential customers. A joint after-work beer at trade fairs and events can help you to deepen the conversations of the day and expand your network in a relaxed atmosphere.

Übung für den Ernstfall - Messen können echt anstrengend sein!

Dass das Messegeschäft echt anstrengend ist, habe ich schon kurz nach Beginn meiner Ausbildung bei IVAM zu spüren bekommen. Meine allererste Messeerfahrung habe ich auf dem Gemeinschaftsstand auf der COMPAMED machen dürfen. Die nächste große Herausforderung war dann eigentlich nur „gespielt“ – aber trotzdem superanstrengend.

Die Welt im Spannungsfeld zwischen China und den USA? Ein Handelskrieg ist immer eine schlechte Idee!

Wir sind auf unserer kleinen Welt stark verzahnt. Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen den Ländern werden immer intensiver. Lieferketten gehen über Ländergrenzen und Kontinente hinweg. Das gilt für kleine Länder, aber speziell auch für die großen Mächte. Wenn die größten Länder der Welt, sprich China und die USA, sich durch Handelsbeschränkungen bekämpfen, dann schaden sie am Ende der ganzen Welt!