Quantum technology will change the future! Right now is the time to set the course for quantum technologies and its applications, whereas certain attention focusses on room temperature technologies. QuApps 2021 prepares the definition of the quantum technology roadmap until 2030. QuApps 2021 will be a recurring event to present and discuss relevant applications material properties and process technologies for quantum applications – from the engineering and market point of view. Prominent speakers will provide insights into potential markets and relevant technologies that will or already have reached market maturity. The range of topics extend from quantum applications in various markets such as quantum sensing, processing of quantum materials, metrology or communication to peripheral and enabling technologies. Partners from basic research come together with partners from industry to pave the way of quantum elements to our life, combining new quantum technologies with state of the art solutions in processing, assembly or control.
Quantum Technology Roadmap Europe 2030
Within the last two decades, quantum technologies (QT) have made tremendous progress from the labs into a cross-disciplinary field of applied research. This field comprises four domains: quantum communication, quantum simulation, quantum computation, and quantum sensing and metrology. One success factor for the rapid advancement of QT is a well-aligned global research community with a common understanding of the challenges and objectives. In Europe, this community has profited from several EC funded coordination projects, which also have coordinated the creation of a 150-page QT Roadmap. Subsequently to the QuApps2021 conference, we invite interested attendees are to update this roadmap from an industrial point of view, what will help industry, governments and researchers to address the upcoming topics and needs of the QT community in Europe.
This interdisciplinary event considers the applications of quantum technology from different perspectives. This conference gives the platform, where properties of such new devices based on quantum elements will be presented and the specifications of applications and markets will be discussed directly, between industry, applied research institutes and universities. The conference gives detailed insights in Quantum applications, basics, materials, technologies and strategies in combination with enabling technologies to researchers, industry representatives and decision makers. The conference clarifies whether certain quantum elements and components are ripe for industrial usage and whether and when and how their production is most probably cost-effectively possible.
Markets, which benefit from Quantum technologies, are
Benefits for attendees are
Call for Presentation
We are accepting abstracts for oral presentation and posters. Abstracts must be submitted by email to quapps@ivam.com.
Your abstract must be submitted by August 15, 2021. You will be notified if your abstract is selected. All accepted abstracts will be published for the participants on the QuApps website.
In addition, authors of a poster will have the opportunity to shortly present the poster in the poster pitch-session
Seperate registration for the conference is required.
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