Posts tagged: Laser


Introducing the Future of Tunable Laser Technology

Chilas, a leading manufacturer of PIC-based tunable lasers, has just unveiled an exciting lineup of cutting-edge laser modules: Chilas ATLAS, COMET, and POLARIS. Designed for high-performance applications, these compact, easy-to-operate laser modules offer unmatched precision and tunability for a wide range of industrial and scientific fields.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Hightech für die Medizintechnik - Materialbearbeitung mit Ultrakurzpuls-Lasern

In dieser kurzen Podcastfolge gibt LightPulse LASER PRECISION, ein innovatives Start-up aus Stuttgart, einen Ausblick auf die COMPAMED – die internationale Fachmesse für die medizinische Zulieferbranche.

Laser and Photonics Applications EPIC TechWatch: Recording of the live stream of the virtual COMPAMED

In the medical market, the photonics industry is seeing new product launches that have specific requirements for health applications. Europe is a source of both application markets and innovative technologies. The session on laser and photonic applications, organized and carried out in cooperation with EPIC, shows examples from developers of photonic medical devices and their supply chains.

Electronic assemblies without PCBs

Laser direct structuring (LDS) is a special success story. For almost 20 years, it has been possible to apply electronic conductor paths directly onto plastic parts during series production. LDS enables the production of electronic assemblies with flexible geometric shapes. This process enables electronic products, such as smartphones, sensors or medical devices, to become even smaller and more powerful. Automated manufacturing processes also make this process more economically attractive.

IVAM members vs. CORONA

Microtechnology is one key enabler to get a grip of the Corona crisis: It enables medical devices to be more smart and compact and is qualified to make diagnostic methods better, more precise and much faster as before. Furthermore it opens up the possibility of transforming existing processes, components and systems at lightning speed so that completely new fields of application can be created in the fight against the virus.

Optical components, systems and assemblies for life science applications

Optical components play a particularly important role in the field of diagnostic imaging technologies, like X-ray, ultrasound examinations, computer tomography or endoscopy but also in the quality assurance of manufacturing processes. High-quality optics are essential, not least in the field of laser technology. Optical components, systems and assemblies form a focal point in the field of medical technology components, which will be on display at COMPAMED.

4 questions for Dr. Lutz Aschke, IVAM Chairman of the Executive Board

We would like to introduce our board members to you: For this reason, we did short interviews with them about key technologies, technology trends and the relevance of networks. Dr. Lutz Aschke, Managing Director of TRUMPF Photonic Components, has been a member of IVAM's executive board since 2007 and chairman of the board since 2015. He contributes his expertise in optics, photonics and laser technology to his work on the board.

4 Fragen an Dr. Lutz Aschke, IVAM-Vorstandsvorsitzender

Im IVAM-Blog möchten wir Ihnen die Vorstandsmitglieder näher vorstellen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir in kurzen Interviews über Schlüsseltechnologien, Technologietrends und die Relevanz von Netzwerken gesprochen. Dr. Lutz Aschke, Geschäftsführer von TRUMPF Photonic Components ist seit 2007 IVAM-Vorstandsmitglied, seit 2015 Vorsitzender. In seine Vorstandstätigkeit bringt er insbesondere sein Know-how der Optik, Photonik und Lasertechnologie ein.