
What drives innovation in micro- and nanotechnology in 2020?

What drives innovation in micro- and nanotechnology in 2020? And what economic, political, societal or organizational challenges are high-tech companies facing? The IVAM Survey 2020 focused on these questions. As in previous years, the survey was conducted among several thousand European companies and institutes in the fields of microtechnology, MEMS, nanotechnology, advanced materials and related key enabling technologies.

Wie Corona das (digitale) Marketing bei KMU verändern wird

Der Shutdown in Deutschland hat bei vielen KMU zu starken Verwerfungen geführt. Diese Krise ist gravierender als die Lehman-Krise 2008/2009! Das stark geänderte Verhalten der Menschen während der Krise und die Randbedingungen für die Unternehmen nach der Corona-Krise werden auch das Marketing nachhaltig beeinflussen.

Coronavirus - how Europe supports its economy

The impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the European economy is currently difficult to assess. What is certain, however, is that the longer the epidemic persists, the stronger the effects will be for each individual industrial company and service provider. At this point, IVAM would like to keep you up-to-date on current measures in the European countries, mainly in which our members are based.

Herausforderung CORONA – das sollten KMU jetzt wissen!

Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Epidemie auf die deutsche Wirtschaft sind aktuell nur schwer abzuschätzen. Sicher ist jedoch, je länger die Epidemie anhält, desto stärker werden sich die Auswirkungen bei jedem einzelnen Industriebetrieb und Dienstleistungsanbieter zeigen. Ich möchte Sie an dieser Stelle gerne über aktuelle Hilfsangebote und Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für KMU auf dem Laufenden halten.

Achtung! Der Countdown zur MDR läuft!

Kennen Sie das auch? Man nimmt sich oft vor, große Projekte rechtzeitig anzugehen. Das ist auch einer meiner Lieblingsvorsätze. Für jedes neue Jahr wieder. Aber dann läuft das Jahr an und die Tagesarbeit hält uns gefangen. Die Deadline für das Projekt ist ja noch einige Zeit hin und es gibt ja viele kleine dringende Dinge, die man am besten gleich erledigt... und plötzlich ist die Deadline da und man muss alles in Hektik und unter Zeitdruck machen.

Business with North America: 10 Tips for exhibitors

Have you ever wanted to exhibit at a trade fair in the USA? And were you surprised by the high price level or the organizational effort? You are not alone! Many European companies wonder how much the trade fair business in the USA differs from that in Europe. Here you can read my Top 10 tips for first-time exhibitors, using MD&M West in Anaheim as an example.

It's always great doing business in Singapore

Personally, I really like Singapore. Maybe because it is a kind of "Asia for beginners". Language barriers and culture shock don't come. That makes it easier for us Europeans to make good international contacts. The excellent infrastructure and the high standards of hygiene, organization and reliability make many things easier that can generally become unplanned obstacles abroad.

Doesn't Wetzlar just stand for optics? How does this fit in with microtechnology?

Surely at first you think the same as Dr. Dietrich when I contacted him about two years ago: What should IVAM members do at the W3+ Fair in Wetzlar? Wetzlar "only" stands for optics. I got rejected but I don`t give up easily: I invited him to the trade fair in Wetzlar and he got convinced by the mix of over 200 companies which operate in the sectors of optics, mechanics, electronics and photonics.

Ten tips: This is how medical technology companies in China get off to a good start

The first step into a new market has to be carefully considered. The decision is often made to exhibit at a suitable trade fair abroad in order to get to know the new market and its customers better. It is really important not to start unprepared. IVAM accompanies small and medium-sized companies that develop products for the medical technology sector to China.

„Feierabendbier“ – How a beer after work can help to accelerate your business!

Too much work last week and no time to celebrate the International Beer Day? That doesn't matter! Just drink your beer together with your potential customers. A joint after-work beer at trade fairs and events can help you to deepen the conversations of the day and expand your network in a relaxed atmosphere.