Posts tagged: Wearables


The Most Sustainable Solution for Wearable Electrodes?

Global trends in health and wellness are driving demand for innovative measurement solutions. With an aging population and rising healthcare costs, more sustainable health monitoring solutions are urgently needed. Through collaboration and the EU project Sustronics, Screentec from Oulu, Finland, aims to reduce environmental impact and promote industry-wide adoption of more sustainable practices by developing wearable electrodes with eco-friendly substrates and conductive pastes, such as copper and carbon.

Der IVAM-Podcast: „Wearable Technologies“ – Alles, was der Markt will, wird technisch auch machbar sein! (6)

Wearables sind tragbare Wunderwerke moderner Technologie: Sie vereinen innovative, miniaturisierte Sensorik mit höchstem Tragekomfort und erheben unzählige Daten, die sie in Sekundenschnelle ins Internet senden. Das Potenzial für Anwendungen im Bereich Fitness, Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Mode und Komfort ist noch lange nicht ausgeschöpft. Aber ist alles, was technisch machbar ist ethisch auch vertretbar? Und was ist eigentlich mit dem Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeit?

Microtechnology is paving the way to a smart world

Microtechnology forms the basis for the development of innovative technologies and smart systems that improve our daily lives and open up new possibilities for the future. Overall, miniaturization technologies are essential for digitization and smart applications as they offer space and resource efficiency, enable mobility and portability, create energy-efficient solutions, support connectivity and networking, and open up versatile application possibilities for a smart world.

Der IVAM-Podcast: Mikrotechnik als Gamechanger in der Medizintechnik? (4)

Immer kleiner, präziser, smarter und personalisierbar: Moderne Medizintechnik hat in den vergangenen Jahren massiv von den technologischen Innovationen aus der Mikrotechnik profitieren können! Die Möglichkeiten der schönen neuen Medizintechnikwelt scheinen unendlich und werden durch Megatrends wie Künstliche Intelligenz oder Quantentechnologie noch weiter wachsen. Aber ist auch wirklich alles sinnvoll was technisch machbar ist?

What's for lunch? A little bit of innovation!

Lunch Break in front of the computer? The best time to look for new trends and innovations! At the Wearables Lunch Talk, IVAM serves up tidbits of news from start-ups, universities, research projects and development departments - all about wearable electronics and smart textiles. IVAM has been dealing with the topic of "wearables" and the challenges that manufacturers face in developing successful, market-ready products for several years. Initially as part of the MSTextiles Forum conference (launched in 2014), and later within the established Focus Group "Wearable Electronics", IVAM is intensifying the dialog between component manufacturers and users.

High-tech microelectronics and electronic components for reliable and durable wearables

The miniaturization of electronics and the resulting constant reduction in production costs has been a major driver of innovation in recent decades in a large number of industries - medical technology is no exception. Today, high-quality and cost-effective microelectronics enable numerous convenient applications for patients that were unthinkable years ago - like wearable solutions.