Posts tagged: Internet of Things


Quantum technology is the nuclear bomb of the Internet-age

We are at the eve of major changes in society and economy: Quantum Technologies will have a leapfrog impact on almost all industries, healthcare, life-sciences, banking, logistics, communications, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, military, and public safety. This listing is far from being complete. The issue is not if but by when commercially meaningful applications, products and new services will become available.

KI in der Medizintechnik wird helfen, die Informationsflut kompetent zu verarbeiten - im Sinne des Patienten

Können Sie sich noch an die Medizintechnik der 1970er Jahre erinnern? Die Computertechnologie hat seitdem einiges möglich gemacht: In den letzten Jahrzehnten konnte die Behandlung von Krankheiten durch immer bessere technologische Lösungen für Diagnose und Therapie massiv vorangetrieben werden.

In search of the next MEMS killer application: Will AI do the job?

In Germany there is a famous fairy tale about the “Heinzelmännchen of Cologne”. These house-gnomes worked at night and all the dull work was done next morning. We get a similar promise with artificial intelligence (AI). Forget about time-consuming search for new customers on the web. Let the AI do the job overnight, just collect the results and your business is running.