Sandra Hinse
Membership Relations Manager
IVAM Microtechnology Network
Jun. 21, 2024
Sandra Hinse
Membership Relations Manager
IVAM Microtechnology Network

Exploring Innovation: A Visit to Founding Member Raith GmbH

Unbelievable: IVAM Microtechnology Network turns 30

Next year, IVAM will proudly celebrate its 30th anniversary. As part of our preparations, we are showcasing the pioneering companies that have been with us from the very beginning. My visit to Raith GmbH, a leader in precision technology for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, and more, sets the stage for this commemorative journey.

Raith: pioneers in nanofabrication technology

Founded in 1980 and headquartered in Dortmund, Germany, Raith GmbH has grown to employ over 350 people and serves a global market through subsidiaries and an extensive partner network. Raith's cutting-edge solutions span high-end systems for productive and industrial applications to flexible, budget-conscious options for academic research. This breadth of capability makes Raith a unique player in the nanofabrication field, meeting diverse needs across various industries and research fields.

A warm welcome: exploring technology and perspectives

During my visit, I talked with Raith’s CEO and Managing Director Dr. Michael Steigerwald about their innovative technologies and the future directions of the industry. The conversation covered the company’s pioneering work in nanofabrication and electron beam lithography, as well as their insights on the evolving landscape of nanotechnology. This dialogue highlighted how Raith continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in nanofabrication and materials science.

Reflecting on the past and looking ahead

The visit also offered an opportunity to reflect on Raith’s long-standing relationship with IVAM. As a founding member, Raith has played a crucial role in the network's development and success. Our discussions touched on past achievements and future aspirations, providing a rich narrative of growth, collaboration, and innovation. These reflections are particularly poignant as we gear up for our 30th-anniversary celebrations, honoring the legacy and looking forward to new horizons.

Building towards the future: join IVAM in celebrating innovation and collaboration

This visit is just the beginning of our journey toward our 30th anniversary. Over the coming months, we will be sharing more visits, interviews, and stories that spotlight our members and their contributions to the industry. We aim to generate interest and participation in our anniversary events, seeking to bring together business partners, industry leaders, and technology enthusiasts for our celebration in May 2025. Stay tuned for more updates and engaging content as we continue our countdown to IVAM’s 30th anniversary. 

Feel free to contact me at if you are interested in a business partnership for the anniversary